Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final Exam

Question: Describe the importance of water in the ancient world. (from Twitter)

Thesis: Water is an element necessary for human life, and not only was it used to drink by every human being on earth, but it was used for many other necessary practices.

Primary Source #1:
"Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt! Mysterious is thy issuing forth from the darkness, on this day whereon it is celebrated! Watering the orchards created by Re, to cause all the cattle to live, you give the earth to drink, inexhaustible one! Path that descends from the sky, loving the bread of Seb and the first-fruits of Nepera, You cause the workshops of Ptah to prosper!
Lord of the fish, during the inundation, no bird alights on the crops. You create the grain, you bring forth the barley, assuring perpetuity to the temples. If you cease your toil and your work, then all that exists is in anguish. If the gods suffer in heaven, then the faces of men waste away."

Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE.

Primary Source #2:
"The preceding aqueducts, however, have all been surpassed by the costly work which has more recently been completed by the Emperors Gaius [Caligula] and Claudius. Under these princes the Curtian and the Caerulean Waters with the "New Anio" were brought a distance of forty miles, and at so high a level that all the hills---whereon Rome is built---were supplied with water. The sum expended on these works was 350,000,000 sesterces. If we take into account the abundant supply of water to the public, for baths, ponds, canals, household purposes, gardens, places in the suburbs and country houses, and then reflect upon the distances that are traversed from the sources on the hills, the arches that have been constructed, the mountains pierced, the valleys leveled, we must perforce admit that there is nothing more worthy of our admiration throughout the whole universe."

Pliny the Elder  (23/4-79 CE): The Grandeur of Rome, c. 75 CE  from Natural History

Primary Source #3:
"108: If a tavern-keeper (feminine) does not accept corn according to gross weight in payment of drink, but takes money, and the price of the drink is less than that of the corn, she shall be convicted and thrown into the water
129: If a man's wife be surprised (in flagrante delicto) with another man, both shall be tied and thrown into the water, but the husband may pardon his wife and the king his slaves. 
133: If a man is taken prisoner in war, and there is a sustenance in his house, but his wife leave house and court, and go to another house: because this wife did not keep her court, and went to another house, she shall be judicially condemned and thrown into the water.
259: If any one steal a water-wheel from the field, he shall pay five shekels in money to its owner. 
260: If any one steal a shadduf (used to draw water from the river or canal) or a plow, he shall pay three shekels in money. "

Mesopotamia: The Code of Hammurabi.

Explanation of Argument:
The Nile is the longest river in the world, and it was very beneficial to those who lived near it. As stated in the primary source, the Nile gave water for their orchards, water to allow the cattle and other animals to live, water to allow fruits to grow, water that supplied them with many fish to eat, and water that allowed the grain to grow. The second source tells about aqueducts, and whoever had the largest aqueducts would be the most admirable. The aqueducts supplied water for baths, ponds, canals, household purposes, gardens, and places in the suburbs and country houses. Lastly, the Code of Hammurabi uses water as a method of punishment for a variety of crimes; therefore without water, the punishments would be inadequate. Also, there are penalties for stealing water wheels and other things used for irrigation.

Question: Considering all of the conflict of the first century BCE, was Rome better off as an 'empire' than as a republic?

Thesis Statement: Rome was better off as a republic because that took away the chaos of wanting to be an emperor, and many other factors that made the government very un-orderly.

Primary Source #1:
"Such, then, if not worse, were the social conditions of Alexandria under the last kings. The Romans, as far as they were able, corrected -- as I have said-many abuses, and established an orderly government -- by setting up vice-governors, nomarchs, and ethnarchs, whose business it was to attend to the details of administration."

Strabo, Geography, c. 22 CE: Egypt under the Roman Empire (XVII.i.52-53, ii.4-5; XVIII.i.12-13:)

Primary Source #2:
2 Consuls 
+ other magistrates
Assembly of Tribes
Directed government and army
Acted as judges
Could issue edicts
Acted as chief priest
Controlled state budget
Could pass laws
Approved/rejected laws
Decided on War
Tribune could veto actions of magistrate
Acted as final court
Basis of power:
possess imperium, the right to rule
need for leadership
Basis of power:
members were richest men in Rome.
Basis of power:
provided most of the soldiers
Limits on power:
one year term
each could veto
Limits on power:
could not control army
needed majority as soldiers.
Limits on power:
Could not suggest laws
often paid as clients by the elite

The Roman Republic: Checks and Balances

Primary Source #3:
"As the custom had been subsequently dropped, it was felt to be of sufficient importance to require the appointment of a Dictator. L. Manlius was accordingly nominated, but, regarding his appointment as due to political rather than to religious reasons and eager to command in the war with the Hernici, he caused a very angry feeling among the men liable to serve by the inconsiderate way in which he conducted the enrolment. At last, in consequence of the unanimous resistance offered by the tribunes of the plebs, he gave way, either voluntarily or through compulsion, and laid down his Dictatorship."

Livy: History of Rome, c. 10 CE

Explanation of Argument:
The first primary source tells about why a republic is much better than an empire, and that is is much less chaotic and is much easier to deal with. There are many new positions for government officials to keep the governor on the right track. The second primary source shows the use of checks and balances to make sure that one person does not get too much power. This will help the people be happier, because more of their choices will be heard. Lastly, the third primary source shows an example of a dictator that made the people angry, which was a very common occurrence. One person simply cannot represent and make decisions for so many people without angering too many. This is why having dictators did not work, and the republic was able to better please the people.

Question: Do you think Alexander honestly felt like he was avenging Persian wrongs? Or was that just propaganda to mask his goal of conquest?

Thesis statement: Alexander truly felt like he was avenging Persian wrongs at first, but when he saw what he could do, he became power hungry and began his conquest.

Primary Source #1:
"But if you turn back now, there will remain unconquered many warlike peoples between the Hyphasis and the Eastern Ocean, and many more to the northward and the Hyrcanian Sea, with the Scythians, too, not far away; so that if we withdraw now there is a danger that the territory which we do not yet securely hold may be stirred to revolt by some nation or other we have not yet forced into submission. Should that happen, all that we have done and suffered will have proved fruitless--or we shall be faced with the task of doing it over again from the beginning. Gentlemen of Macedon, and you, my friends and allies, this must not be. Stand firm; for well you know that hardship and danger are the price of glory, and that sweet is the savour of a life of courage and of deathless renown beyond the grave."

Arrian: Speech of Alexander the Great, from The Campaigns of Alexander

Primary Source #2:
Philip and all his court were in great distress for him at first, and a profound silence took place. But when the prince had turned him and brought him straight back, they all received him with loud acclamations, except his father, who wept for joy, and kissing him, said, "Seek another kingdom, my son, that may be worthy of thy abilities; for Macedonia is too small for thee..."
[Philip] sent for Aristotle, the most celebrated and learned of all the philosophers; and the reward he gave him for forming his son Alexander was not only honorable, but remarkable for its propriety. He had formerly dismantled the city of Stagira, where that philosopher was born, and now he re-built it, and reestablished the inhabitants, who had either fled or been reduced to slavery... Aristotle was the man Alexander admired in his younger years, and, as he said himself, he had no less affection for him than for his own father...
[Alexander] was only twenty years old when he succeeded to the crown, and he found the kingdom torn into pieces by dangerous parties and implacable animosities. The barbarous nations, even those that bordered upon Macedonia, could not brook subjection, and they longed for their natural kings... Alexander was of opinion, that the only way to security, and a thorough establishment of his affairs, was to proceed with spirit and magnanimity. For he was persuaded, that if he appeared to abate of his dignity in the least article, he would be universally insulted. He therefore quieted the commotions, and put a stop to the rising wars among the barbarians, by marching with the utmost expediency as far as the Danube, where he fought a great battle..

Plutarch:  Selections from the Life of Alexander

Primary Source #3:
"Macedonians, my speech will not be aimed at stopping your urge to return home; as far as I am concerned you may go where you like. But I want you to realize on departing what I have done for you, and what you have done for me. Let me begin, as is right, with my father Philip. He found you wandering about without resources, many of you clothed in sheepskins and pasturing small flocks in the mountains, defending them with difficulty against the Illyrians, Triballians and neighboring Thracians. He gave you cloaks to wear instead of sheepskins, brought you down from the mountains to the plains, and made you a match in war for the neighboring barbarians, owing your safety to your own bravery and no longer to reliance on your mountain strongholds. He made you city dwellers and civilized you with good laws and customs. Those barbarians who used to harrass you and plunder your property, he made you their leaders instead of their slaves and subjects. He annexed much of Thrace to Macedonia, seized the most favorable coastal towns and opened up the country to commerce, and enabled you to exploit your mines undisturbed. He made you governors of the Thessalians, before whom you used to die of fright, humbled the Phocians and so opened a broad and easy path into Greece in place of a narrow and difficult one. The Athenians and Thebans, who were permanently poised to attack Macedonia, he so humbled (and I was now helping him in this task) that instead of you paying tribute to the Athenians and being under the sway of the Thebans, they now in turn had to seek their safety from us. He marched into the Peloponnese and settled matters there too. He was appointed commander-in-chief of all Greece for the campaign against the Persians, but preferred to assign the credit to all the Macedonians rather than just to himself."

Alexander the Great: The Mutiny at Opis.

Explanation of Argument:
The first primary source is a speech by Alexander, showing that he has become power hungry and wants to conquer everything there is to conquer. He states that he is willing to go through all of this for glory, which was not his original intent. The second primary source tells a story of Alexander when he is young, and he makes a bet that he can ride a horse; but no one else thinks he can, because he never has before. He does it, and his father shows him so much love and affection, and Alexander showed that back. When his father was assassinated and Alexander became King, the first thing he did was to get revenge on the Persians for killing his father, but then ended up taking it a little farther. The last primary source is a speech given by Alexander about all that his father has done for them, and reminding them of why they are fighting. When his troops are abut to leave and go home, he reminds them that they are avenging his father's death, and that they loved his father very much.

Question: Were the Vikings Barbarians?

Thesis statement: There were many different views of the Vikings; to some they were barbarians, but to themselves they were just doing what they needed to survive.

Primary source #1:
"Pirates of the Northmen's race came to Nantes, killed the bishop and many of the clergy and laymen, both men and women, and pillaged the city. Thence they set out to plunder the lands of lower Aquitaine. At length they arrived at a certain island [the isle of Rhé, near La Rochelle, north of the mouth of the Garonne], and carried materials thither from the mainland to build themselves houses; and they settled there for the winter, as if that were to be their permanent dwelling-place."

From The Annals of St. Bertin,

Primary source #2:
 "The Northmen came to Paris with 700 sailing ships, not counting those of smaller size which are commonly called barques. At one stretch the Seine was lined with the vessels for more than two leagues, so that one might ask in astonishment in what cavern the river had been swallowed up, since it was not to be seen. The second day after the fleet of the Northmen arrived under the walls of the city, Siegfried, who was then king only in name but who was in command of the expedition, came to the dwelling of the illustrious bishop. He bowed his head and said: "Gauzelin, have compassion on yourself and on your flock. We beseech you to listen to us, in order that you may escape death. Allow us only the freedom of the city. We will do no harm and we will see to it that whatever belongs either to you or to Odo shall be strictly respected." Count Odo, who later became king, was then the defender of the city. The bishop replied to Siegfried, "Paris has been entrusted to us by the Emperor Charles, who, after God, king and lord of the powerful, rules over almost all the world. He has put it in our care, not at all that the kingdom may be ruined by our misconduct, but that he may keep it and be assured of its peace. If, like us, you had been given the duty of defending these walls, and if you should have done that which you ask us to do, what treatment do you think you would deserve?" Siegfried replied. "I should deserve that my head be cut off and thrown to the dogs. Nevertheless, if you do not listen to my demand, on the morrow our war machines will destroy you with poisoned arrows. You will be the prey of famine and of pestilence and these evils will renew themselves perpetually every year." So saying, he departed and gathered together his comrades."

From Abbo's Wars of Count Odo with the Northmen in the Reign of Charles the Fat

Primary Source #3:
"The king had at first wished to give to Rollo the province of Flanders, but the Norman rejected it as being too marshy. Rollo refused to kiss the foot of Charles when he received from him the duchy of Normandy. "He who receives such a gift," said the bishops to him, "ought to kiss the foot of the king." "Never," replied he, "will I bend the knee to anyone, or kiss anybody's foot." Nevertheless, impelled by the entreaties of the Franks, he ordered one of his warriors to perform the act in his stead. This man seized the foot of the king and lifted it to his lips, kissing it without bending and so causing the king to tumble over backwards. At that there was a loud burst of laughter and a great commotion in the crowd of onlookers. King Charles, Robert, Duke of the Franks, the counts and magnates, and the bishops and abbots, bound themselves by the oath of the Catholic faith to Rollo, swearing by their lives and their bodies and by the honor of all the kingdom, that he might hold the land and transmit it to his heirs from generation to generation throughout all time to come. When these things had been satisfactorily performed, the king returned in good spirits into his dominion, and Rollo with Duke Robert set out for Rouen."

From The Chronicle of St. Denis Based on Dudo and William of Jumièges [Vol. III, p. 105].

Explanation of argument:
This primary source tells the story of a Viking raid, in which many important people in the town were killed. To these people, it would be tragic, but to the Vikings, it was necessary for survival. The second primary source is another story of a Viking raid, in which the leader of the Vikings speaks to the leader of the place that they are invading. He says that he does not wish to hurt people, but they may need to. The Viking's way of life requires them to be fierce and to not take no for an answer, so sometimes they need to take what they need by force. The  last primary source tells the story of a king asking a Viking to kiss his foot, but he refuses; the Vikings will not bow down to anyone. This Viking tells someone else to do it, and that person lifts the king's foot so that he falls over. The king must have thought this completely disrespectful and barbaric, but the Vikings found it funny. 

Question: Describe the significance of the Battle of Tours.

Thesis statement:

Primary Source #1:
"For almost seven days the two armies watched one another, waiting anxiously the moment for joining the struggle. Finally they made ready for combat. And in the shock of the battle the men of the North seemed like North a sea that cannot be moved. Firmly they stood, one close to another, forming as it were a bulwark of ice; and with great blows of their swords they hewed down the Arabs. Drawn up in a band around their chief, the people of the Austrasians carried all before them. Their tireless hands drove their swords down to the breasts [of the foe].
At last night sundered the combatants. The Franks with misgivings lowered their blades, and beholding the numberless tents of the Arabs, prepared themselves for another battle the next day. Very early, when they issued from their retreat, the men of Europe saw the Arab tents ranged still in order, in the same place where they had set up their camp. Unaware that they were utterly empty, and fearful lest within the phalanxes of the Saracens were drawn up for combat, they sent out spies to ascertain the facts. These spies discovered that all the squadrons of the "Ishmaelites" had vanished. In fact, during the night they had fled with the greatest silence, seeking with all speed their home land. The Europeans, uncertain and fearful, lest they were merely hidden in order to come back [to fall upon them] by ambushments, sent scouting parties everywhere, but to their great amazement found nothing. Then without troubling to pursue the fugitives, they contented themselves with sharing the spoils and returned right gladly to their own country"

Isidore of Beja's Chronicle

Primary Source #2:

Explanation of Argument:
The battle of tours was fought because the Franks wanted to become the leading power and wanted to stop the spread of Islamic culture. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

Practice for Exam day 1

What is history?

Thesis: History is every single event that has occurred, no matter how large or how trivial it is.
George Washington makes big history by creating his own holiday:
"Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the Beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be."
This is an example of lasting history that affected many people, but history also includes things as simple as this:
Einhard writes that Charlemagne "often complained that fasts injured his health."
This history may not have been a lasting  event in everyone's mind, but it did occur, and therefore is history.
Some events affect someone, and then that person may later affect many, many other people. The original event has an indirect affect on us, like this situation with Julius Caesar:
"In the course of his sixteenth year he lost his father ." (Suetonius).
This event probably had a huge impact on him, and defined some of his life choices, which later affected all of the people that he ruled over.
De Vita Caesarum, Divus Iulius. Suetonius. Ancient History Sourcebook.
The Life of Charlemagne. Einhard. Medieval Sourcebook.
Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1789. George Washington. Modern History Sourcebook.

What is "Important"?
Thesis: The word "important has a different meaning to each and every person, and what one finds important can very greatly from the person next to them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summary of primary source- "Livy's history of Rome" book 1.1-1.8

This article is about the defeat of the Trojans, and their life afterwards. They now needed a new permanent home, because their city had been massacred. They combined forces with the Enetians, who were also looking for a new permanent home. Aeneas was the leader of this group, and they landed in someone else's territory, named Latinus. After Latinus had heard their story, he  accepted them into his village and allowed them to build their own town. They were overjoyed because they had found a new home. Latinus also gave his daughter's hand in marriage to Aeneas. This sparked a war, because Turnus, the King of the Rutulians had been betrothed to Latinus' daughter. The Trojans and the Aborigines won, but Latinus was killed in battle. They thought that they needed more allies, so they turned to the Etruscans. The story goes on, life continues, countries and boundaries develop, peace is created, amount of power is decided, and basically the world is changing or being formed.

Summary of the primary source- "Tacitus: The End of the Republic"
This article is about the end of the Republic in Rome, leading to a dictatorship. Pompey was killed, and Julius Caesar was left to rule the throne. Augustus was another dictator. He won over the people and soldiers by giving them money and gifts, while he was working with the senate and the laws.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Example Essay Question for Exam

From the Primary sources that we have on Greece and Persia, how do you think things would have been different if the Persians had won the Persian wars. (Have a thesis and primary sources to back it up. You may take like 25 minutes on this question. On the exam he is going to have us write outlines, instead of essays.)

Paragraph 1- Introduction- Give background info on the Persian wars.
                    Topic sentence- What if the course of history had been changed, due to just one war? But this war was one of the most influential, important wars in history.
                    Thesis: The world would not be the one we know if Persia had won the wars; the whole course of history would be changed.
                    Wikipedia article:

Paragraph 2- Tell what happened at the end of the wars, including the Athenians victory at the final battle.
                   Xerxes(Persia)- "I may obtain vengeance from the Athenians for the wrongs committed by them against the Persians and against my father." (
                  Xerxes(Persia)- "we shall extend the Persian territory as far as God's heaven reaches. The sun will then shine on no land beyond our borders; for I will pass through Europe from one end to the other, and with your aid make of all the lands which it contains one country." same link as above quote
                  Wikipedia on Xerxes-
            These quotes show what the Persian ruler was planning to do when invading Greece.

Paragraph 3- Tell what would have happened if the Persians had won the war.
                   Here is a quote of some of the intentions of Xerxes, and more things like this would happen if the Persians had won the war. "My intent is to throw a bridge over the Hellespont and march an army through Europe against Greece" (same link as above)

Paragraph 4- Give different examples of things in history that would be different if the Persians had won.
                The declaration of independence would not have happened if the Persians had won, they probably would have gone on to conquer the world. "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth." (

Paragraph 5- Conclusion
             Restate thesis- The world would not be the one we know if Persia had won the wars; the whole course of history would be changed.

Review- Egypt, and more

  •  The Ankh- stands for eternal life and the infinite- it is a shape. 
  • The jar with the heart in it is weighted against a feather after someone dies. The feather was called the feather of Maat. 
  • The book of the Dead---
  • The six major historians of ancient Greece-  Herodotus wrote about the Persian wars, which was between the greeks and the Persians. He wrote the first history in western civilizations. 
  • Thucydides wrote the second half of the fifth century, and writes about the Peloponnese was between the Athens and the Spartans. 
  • Xenophon- an Athenian that wrote about what occurred during the time of Socrates
  • Aristotle- Wrote history, and worked with logic and philosophy. He was the first guy to write an encyclopedia.
  • Plutarch- Known for his biographies. 
  • Pausanias- wrote the first travel guide, which was to all of the cites in Greece. 

  • The Persian wars take place just as the fifth century is unfolding. (the 400's, BCE)
  • The straight that comes out of the ? is called the bosphorus, or the Istanbul straight. The Persians crossed this. 
  • Thessalonika is to Greece like Baltimore is to Maryland. 
  • The Persians come down from Thrace, and enter Macedonia, and then Thessaly, and then Epirus, and then Attica. 
  • They get stopped for a little at Thermopylae. 
  • When the Persians got there, Athens was evacuated, so they burned the Acropolis. Then they battlesd and the Persians were destroyed. 
  • They then rebuilt everything. 
  • You can see everything form the top of the acropolis. 
  • The Parthenon- Doric architecture. It was the temple of the city, to the virgin Athena, and it was the most sacred temple in all of Athens. It was built with the funds that came through the Athenian league. 
  • The Persians battle the Athenians at Salamis, the Athenians win, and the Persians are kicked back....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Extra Credit- Why do we know so much about Michelangelo and so little about Shakespeare?

Michelangelo was much more well known than Shakespeare. Some people  even doubt Shakespeare's existence. But why do we know so much more about Michelangelo than about Shakespeare? Michelangelo worked on his paintings and works of art out in the open. People knew what he was doing, and they watched him, mentored him, gave him hints or tips while he was working. They could see this genius hard at work while he created things that no one had ever accomplished before. But Shakespeare's works were a little more private. Writing a play is not really something as big and open as painting the ceiling of a cathedral, for example.  Michelangelo sometimes had people work with him, so they may have recorded information about him, but Shakespeare, on the other hand, mostly worked alone. Also, Michelangelo was recognized for his talents at a very young age, which gave people more itme to get to know of him. Shakespeare was a genius, but was not recognized until his later years. Overall, we do know a lot about these great artists, but as long as we are fascinated with them, the knowledge we have will never be enough.
"Michelangelo." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 May 2010. <>.

"William Shakespeare." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 May 2010. <>.

Photographs from:
Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 21 Dec. 2004. Web. 25 May 2010. <>.

Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 10 Dec. 2008. Web. 25 May 2010. <>.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Extra Credit Daily- Did Shakespeare Exist?

I think that Shakespeare did exist. Although all of his accomplishments seem like they may have been impossible for one man to complete, I think that he did in fact do all that he is said to have done. Because history is not recorded as well back then as it is today, some people have doubts about Shakespeare's existence. But if he didn't write all of those plays and sonnets, who did? The reason why many people doubt Shakespeare because they cannot believe that he was so brilliant. There have been other brilliant people in history however, so why do they doubt Shakespeare? Leonardo da Vinci was a brilliant painter, inventor, and much more. He accomplished so many "impossible" feats in his time, so why do people think that Shakespeare is not capable of doing the same? Da Vinci created many inventions that only came to be hundreds of years after his life. People even thought he may have been crazy. But today we recognize that there are always some people who exceed what is thought possible of a human being. This also stays true in the case of Shakespeare, and although our records of him are not 100% clear, the story of his life is something that probably did indeed happen.
"William Shakespeare." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 21 May 2010. <>.

Photograph from:
Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 12 Mar. 2009. Web. 21 May 2010. <>.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Medici- Notes 5-20

  • Michaelangelo was consulted by the Medici. 
  • Florence, 1501 home of the Italian renaissance. It is the heart of an artistic revolution. 
  • Michaelangelo- he got so into his work he never ate, or sometimes never slept.... 
  • The huge project he was doing would take him three years to complete
  • Michaelangelo had moved in with the Medici 15 years before this project. 
  • He was raised alongside the heirs to the Medici dynasty. 
  • A bloody civil war was sparked in the streets of Florence because of jealousy of Medici wealth. The heirs of the once great dynasty were cast into exile. 
  • Julio the Medici had remained a priest, and his cousin Giovanni was already a cardinal. 
  • On the 25th of January 1504, felt ready to expose his work to the scrutiny of the outside world. 
  • "The David" is what he was working on. 
  • Everyone agreed that it was such a monumental step forward, that they decided to put it outside the town hall. 
  • Michaelangelo started to see the Medici as contrary to the good of Florence. 
  • The Medici finally returned from exile, and took their case to the highest level of the church. 
  • The pope helped the Medici assemble an army, which headed back for Florence. 
  • Against the wishes of the church, the artists were venturing into new ground. They were looking at corpses for their own knowledge and studied the complexity of the human body. 
  • Leonardo and Michaelangelo were each given a wall to decorate, almost like a contest to see who is better. However, they both have very different styles. 
  • By 1512, thousands of heavily armed soldiers were inside the borders of Tuscany and heading for Florence, shadowed by the Medici cousins. The people of Florence prepared for their coming. But they knew they were hopelessly outnumbered. 
  • The leaders called on their chief advisor, a political genius, Nicolo Maccereli (not the right spelling..)
  • Giovanni sent the progress report to his master, because lots of people were killed, blood was everywhere....
  • The leaders of the Republic of Florence surrendered. The Medici regained control, but not the loyalty of the people. 
  • Giovanni received news one day that his mentor and master, the pope, was dead. 
  • The cardinals were still undecided about a new pope for over a week. Giovanni cast the deciding vote. 
  • Giovanni voted himself pope. 
  • This changed everything, and Florence welcomed back their old enemy with open arms.
  •  Being the pope was an unbelievable powerful position. 
  • He hosted elaborate dinners night after night. 
  • Giovanni had risen higher than any of his ancestors. 
  • Michaelangelo was forced into painting the roof of the Sistine Chapel, and he thought he was being made do it by people who wanted to see him fail. He resented every minute he spent on it. 
  • He covered the ceiling with over 300 stories from the bible. 
  • He had created maybe the greatest work of the renaissance. 
  • The Medici ordered Michaelangelo to make tombs for their dead fathers. 
  • After all of his spending for one year, he owed money to every bank. 
  • Leo sold indulgences, which would forgive the person's sins that bought it. 
  • He sold A LOT.
  • Martin Luther was horrified by what the church was doing. 
  • He wrote a book that traveled everywhere with all of his thesis'.
  • No one had ever dared to use such language against the church. Luther was just trying to reform the church, but things kind of snowballed. 
  • But Luther's complaints mattered little to the pope. 
  • The pope died in 1521, very suddenly by a simple winter chill. His cousin was left to deal with the problems with Luther and such. He became pope Clement the seventh
  • About 8000 people died on the first day of the massacre, and The pope ran to safety. after 7 months, clement finally finished his plan for escape.
  • He bribed his was out of Rome, and went to find safety in Florence. 
  • A bench was thrown off of city hall, and broke "The David."
  • Michaelangelo finally finished the tombs for the Medici. 
  • Katherine the Medici was the only heir left of the Medici line. 
  • She was only eleven though. 
  • Katherine was married off at age 14. 
  • Michaelangelo chose to portray the last judgment as his last project for the Medici popes. 
  • Clement, however, he did not live to see that work finished. It was the end of an era. 

Extra notes that I got from a friend: 
  1. Two cousins are all that is left of the Medici family
  2. The Medici split the Church in two and almost brought Florence, Europe, and Rome to a collapse
  3. France 1501 - Michelangelo was starting on the statue of David
  4. It took him 3 years to complete this
  5. He made a cast of it in wax
  6. 15 years before that he has moved in with the Medici
  7. Michelangelo watched as Giovanni was getting ready for the Church
  8. They had hits on both of them
  9. On the 25 of January 1504 he released his work to the outside world
  10. He turned on the Medici family
  11. Giovanni took this to court with the Pope
  12. The Pope helped them create an army to take back Florence
  13. Leonardo da Vinci would take bodies apart and study them for better details on his artwork
  14. They told Michelangelo and Leonardo to compete against each other
  15. 1512 they arrive in Florence with their army
  16. Nicalo was a dingle minded patriot determined to fight the Medici
  17. He got thousands of men from different towns to fight in this battle
  18. They took control of the city once again
  19. Giovanna got the news that the Pope was dead
  20. Pope Leo the tenth was Giovanni
  21. The city of Florence now welcomed back Giovanni to their city
  22. This is the first time that the current Pope was born in Florence
  23. Julio is made arch bishop in Florence and then a cardinal later that year
  24. Pope Julias the 2nd told Michelangelo to paint the Sistine chapel
  25. He was a true master of Fresco
  26. He covered it with 300 stories from the Bible
  27. They ordered Michelangelo to build excellent tombs in marble for Giovanni's fallen fathers
  28. Nicalo wanted a job inside Leo's regime now
  29. He was thrown into jail and tortured to the worst that Florence could do to them
  30. He wrote a book called the Prince and was an opinionated book about politics
  31. A group of cardinals got together and planned the assassination of the Pope
  32. However he was warned about this and had a decoy
  33. Leo the tenth owed money to every bank in Florence
  34. Leo started selling indulgences to people
  35. They costed money but were freedom from an eternity in hell
  36. This brought in lots of money for the Pope
  37. You could even buy indulgences for dead ones
  38. For Martin Luther indulgences were a step to far
  39. In 1517 published a book for change
  40. He had it printed, circulated, and translated
  41. This was a direct attack to the Pope
  42. Those who bought indulgences would be internally damned
  43. This was a start of a revolution
  44. Pope Leo did not care because he is a poor monk and he is the Pope
  45. The Pope condemned Luther to Hell
  46. He was denied access to heaven by the Pope
  47. He refused to repent and this caused a battle between the Catholics and the Protestants
  48. In 1521 Leo the tenth suddenly died
  49. He died from a simple window chill
  50. Julio was crowned Pope 2 years later
  51. People started gathering around Rome and having riots because they were inflamed by the words of Martin Luther
  52. Clement fled to the safety of a fort
  53. For the next day Rome was torn apart without mercy
  54. They kill, rape, hold people to ransom, and destroy buildings
  55. About 8,000 people died on the first day
  56. This was called the sack of Rome
  57. He had all the gold melted down and all his treasures sewn into his clothes
  58. He bribed his way out of Rome to the safety of Florence

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is Shakespeare worth studying?

Shakespeare is indeed worth studying. He wrote such an array of pieces in his lifetime, it was just unbelievable. He wrote numerous plays and sonnets, and much more. All of his plays were extraordinary, written in such a way that one might think that they would take a lifetime to write. But not for Shakespeare. He wrote all of his plays in iambic pentameter, which is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. Each line of his play was written with ten syllables, every other one either stressed or unstressed, and he still managed to have the play make sense. His wordings of the plays are beautiful to listen to, and have many different meaning hidden within them. These factors make the plays worth studying, because one can learn a lot. Shakespeare also wrote sonnets. One hundred fifty-four of them. One may wonder how this is possible, how he has time after he has written so many plays. But Shakespeare continues to amaze. His sonnets are not just regular poems. He came up with his own way of writing sonnets, which became a completely new form of sonnet writing. As you can see, Shakespeare is very complex. He is not an easy subject to study, and when one does, it is very worth it. There is so much that Shakespeare has created, and it may be hard to understand because we do not speak like that today, but one can realize that the ideas and thoughts in his works are still ones we have today. Overall, no one could regret studying Shakespeare.
"Iambic Pentameter." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 17 May 2010. <>.

"William Shakespeare." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 17 May 2010. <>.

Photograph from:
 Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 10 Dec. 2008. Web. 16 May 2010. <>. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

Monarch or Democracy- Which is More Effective?

                There are many ways to govern a country. Forms of government vary from monarchies, to democracies, to actually having no government whatsoever. A monarchy is a type of government that consists of all the power being in one individual, or monarch. On the other hand, a democracy is carried out by the people, either directly or by having representatives. Both of these forms of government have their pros and cons; but which is better or more effective? This is not only a matter of different types of government, but also the person that is in power and the people that are being governed. Democracy is a much more effective method of pleasing a larger majority of the people, and Monarchy is great for making quick decisions that need not be argued against, so they both are good forms of government in different ways.
Monarchies have occurred numerous times throughout history, including the reign of Henry VIII of England. He had complete power over England, and when he found that he did not have quite as much power as he wanted, he passed an act to give him even more power. The Act of Supremacy gave him supreme rule over the entire church. ( In the Act, he stated that the king:
shall be taken, accepted and reputed the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia, and shall have and enjoy annexed and united to the imperial crown of this realm as well the title and style thereof, as all honours, dignities, preeminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits and commodities, to the said dignity of supreme head of the same Church belonging and appertaining. (King Henry VIII).
In a monarchy, the king makes the end all be all decisions. No one can argue, or the king may just decide to have them banished or executed. While this is not human, and can cause many people to dislike or turn against the king, it does provide a fast way of getting things done. Some people may title monarchy as the most effective form of government, but others may argue.
                A democracy is a newer form of government that also has many positives. Unlike monarchy, democracy has a much better chance of satisfying more people in a country. Democracies started a very long time ago and still continue to appear in our world today. One example is the government of the United States. While we do have one president in charge, we have a fair way of choosing them and voting on decisions. The constitution states that when choosing the president, “The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President.” These electors are people who have also been elected to represent each state. When more people are represented in the government, more people are happy. But is this type of government really the most effective?
                A democracy may seem nice, but it may not be as effective as a monarchy in some circumstances. It takes time to allow each of the representatives to vote, and it takes even more time to count up the votes. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” (The United States Constitution). If the decision at and were, for example, whether or not to go to war, then this is not good. In the time it takes to decide, the opposing group may get impatient and simply attack. If a monarchy was also faced with this predicament, the King may decide to go to war at once, but all citizens may not agree and may not back him up in the war. Deciding which government functions better is a tough choice.
                While a form of government is one of the most important parts of a country, it is not an easy thing to decide on. Maybe sometime in the future, a new form of government will develop that combines the good things about the forms of government that we have today. But while we wait, we must stick with what we have, and know that although it may not seem it, each government has its pluses.
"Acts of Supremacy." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 May 2010.

"The Act of Supremacy." Web. 15 May 2010.

                "The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -" Index Page - The U.S. Constitution Online - Web. 15 May 2010.
                Photographs from:
                Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 27 Apr. 2009. Web. 15 May 2010.
                 Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 09 Dec. 2006. Web. 15 May 2010.

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