Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Question, 1-27

Which do you think is a better road map of history artifacts of the humanities(art music, dance, theater, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc) or political/military conflicts? Why?

I think artifacts of the humanities are better roadmaps of history. Cultures and styles change very often, even a little bit every day. Political and military conflicts have always happened throughout history. Technology and other advancements may be made, but this does not change as greatly as culture. The same ideas and feelings are still there. One can look at a picture of the popular clothing styles, for example, in different decades and can see a notable difference. If one looks at a picture of war or soldiers ten years ago, or thought about the way our country is governed, there would not be much of a difference. Also, the political and military aspects of a country more show the thoughts of the government, or maybe even the county as a whole. Cultural aspects can make a more detailed roadmap of countries, individual towns, or even individual people. Overall, if one evaluated history through the artifacts of humanity, they would get a much more detailed, accurate picture of what history is.

Images from:

  • Ancient Pottery. 2008. Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons. Comp. Heironymous Rowe. Wikipedia, 23 Sept. 2008. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .
  • Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedia, 3 Aug. 2008. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .
Website used:
  • "Timeline of United States Military Operations." Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. Wikipedia. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

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