Psychologist: Hello, Emperor Tiberius. How are you today?
Tiberius: I am fine thank you.
Psychologist: And why are you here today?
Tiberius: I wanted to talk about the fact that I think my childhood has affected me today, and a few other things. But don’t get me wrong, I am an amazing ruler, obviously.
Psychologist: Yes. What happened in your childhood?
Tiberius: When I was two, my father had to flee from Rome.
Psychologist: Yes, that sounds like a very traumatic experience. Anything else happen that made you concerned?
Tiberius: Well, when I was four, my parents divorced and my mother remarried.
Psychologist: Another tragic experience and both events were so close to each other. How did they make you feel?
Tiberius: I felt so sad and scared! I loved my father, and he left me.
Psychologist: Is that all?
Tiberius: No, my father also died when I was nine.
Psychologist: I am so sorry.
Tiberius: Thats okay.
Psychologist: And what are some reasons that you think this has affected you and the way you rule your country?
Tiberius: Well, a number of things. When Julius Caesar died, I became loyal to Mark Antony. Then he was defeated, and my family fled.
Psychologist: And what does this make you feel ?
Tiberius: All of these problems in my youth have caused me to have trouble leading well today.
Psychologist: I think that you are doing an excellent job.
Tiberius: I know, but I do have faults.
Psychologist: Like what?
Tiberius: I have great fears, like of thunder. It is not right for an emperor to fear anything.
Psychologist: Everyone fears something; this is not such a big deal.
Tiberius: I also suffered from skin eruptions.
Psychologist: Excuse me?
Tiberius: People say now that I had a lot of rashes, whatever that means. I just know that I had a lot of skin eruptions.
Psychologist: This is normal for any person. Do not fear of this.
Tiberius: Sometimes I had trouble socializing. Everyone likes gladiatorial games, but they were neither pleasing nor enjoyable to me.
Psychologist: Again, this is fine, nothing to worry about. Every person is different, so each person has their different likes and dislikes.
Tiberius: Okay… If you say so…. Well, anyway, later in my life I became a Roman general, and then emperor, as I am today.
Psychologist: Okay go on.
Tiberius: Well I kept to myself a lot, and I wasn’t a big fan of being emperor. Sure it was an honor, and I did a great job, if I say so myself, but I never really wanted to be the emperor.
Psychologist: Were you scared?
Tiberius: No. Well, maybe a little bit, but I just really didn’t want to be emperor or have quite so much responsibility. But even though I did not want to be emperor, I still worked hard. Until later.
Psychologist: Until when?
Tiberius: After my son died, I was just completely miserable all the time, and I am sure the people felt that too.
Psychologist: do you still feel like this?
Tiberius: Not quite as bad, but I still miss my son a lot. And finally, I exiled myself, ending my rule.
Psychologist: Oh my! Before you had done something so extreme you could have come to me to get help and stress relief ideas.
Tiberius: I could not think straight at the time. And actually, now that I have said all this, I feel better about myself. I think I am done for today.
Psychologist: Are you sure? Then thank you for coming! Good bye Tiberius!
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